I cam across this beautiful quote recently and wanted to share it. It is beautiful.

“The primary liturgy through which Christians experience the Real Presence of God in Christ is nothing more or less than “the liturgy of the world.” It is to this liturgy, smelling of death and sacrifice,” that all the church’s ritual actions return. There, God is met in the confused impurity of the human condition– in the weight of mineral; the light of honey; the sound of the words “night” and “good-by”; the heaping abundance of wheat, ivory, and tears; lifted objects of leather, wood, and food; faded photos that gather our lives like walls; the red noise of bones; the thunder of flesh; the smack of kisses, gasps, and sobs; the roar of water passing across bone; muffled snow; garlic and sapphires in the mud. There God is met as One who suffers with us, as One who forgives a thief on the cross. All this is what the liturgy of the world celebrates; all this is what the liturgy of the church points to. We arrive at mystery, at Real Presence, at God, only by embracing the human with all its poignancy and terror.” -Nathan Mitchell

…there may be further reflection to follow, but for now please bask in Dr. Mitchell’s description of the real presence we encounter in the sacraments.

In Cruce,